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Update**** I finished a better 3 layer file that looks really good when printed in 3 colors just be sure you have one or two of the next layers established before you switch fillament it looks crazy at first while printing in-between layers but ists cool, when in doubt wait to switch .What can I say its the man, Bill Murray. I am still figuring out how to work with meshes in blender, I also used the super awesome bitmap tracing in inkspcape wich allows you to make "grouped" vector files it basically traces the different color gradients and creates a stacked .SVG it would be cool to use multiple vectors from the same image stacked on top of each other to provide even more depth and detail (I am working on one of those now) This BFM plate is only one layer with a plain background. I was so stoked on it I couldnt wait to post it. Does any body have any advice on joining meshes in Blender so that all of the internal geometry is forgotten? there seems to be artifacts left over in the base plate where the overlap of the two layers happens. I can see this as being a really cool way of printing portriats of people, you could use multiple layers and multiple colors for even more awesomness.Just start with one color and change filament when you notice the back plate is done and it starts on the image detail. Make sure your at least one or two layers into the next image layer prior to switching fillament. I would also reccomend rotating it by 45% and printing with one of Whpthomas's "Ear rafts" on each corner. KKCO! Any body have any green they could use as the middle color? post pics!!!

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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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Delivery (May 08 - May 10)