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This is my first contribution here. It is a 2001-style prime monolith set. It is 2001-style because the monoliths’ dimensions are 1:4:9, the squares of the first three positive integers, just like the monoliths in 2001 A Space Odyssey.The monoliths are prime because their depths in millimeters are prime numbers, namely 5 mm, 7 mm, and 11 mm. There are three of them, which is a prime number as well.I do not own a 3D printer and I did not use any design software to create them, just pure mathematics. Unfortunately, that means I cannot test whether I created the right STL file (especially, I am not absolutely sure I am using the x-, y-, and z-axes correctly). If you print it, please mention it in a comment, so I know I did it right. And if you cannot print it, mention that as well, so I know I need to fix it.Have fun!Print on a 3D printer, which can print 100 mm by 100 mm on its base. The monoliths are not that big, but there are three of them.Please use black material, since that is the color of the monoliths.Update: There are now four files here, one for printing the full set at the same time (its name contains the word set), plus three files to print each monolith separately.

Prime Monolith Set
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Prime Monolith Set
Delivery (May 04 - May 06)