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I mixed the latest (V3) version of Airtripper bowden extruder ( with Terenceangs geared airtripper extruder ( The latter was an old version of the extruder body but I used the gears from it. I removed the parts that weren't necessary for the new motor position and added a M10 nut for the bowden couplers (the ones that e.g. E3D ships). The main axle is a M5 screw for the MK7/8 driver gears. The whole for the bearings are 10mm. I found these smaller ones in my local hobby shop. Use the instructions from the Airtripper. I use 3 m5 spacers between the big cogwheel and the case, to keep the angle straight

Airtripper geared bowden for mk7/8 drivergears
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Airtripper geared bowden for mk7/8 drivergears
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)