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A friend asked me to make the most obnoxious disc I could for him so here it is! I have yet to test the actual disc's flight characteristics but after an entire day of R&D with different whistle chambers sizes, shapes and what not I do believe that this should work. I'll update later on with a report of its success. Update 1: Alright so it kind of just makes a bit of noise, like a wiffle ball. I did whip it right into the outside of my building and it gave it a nice dent, however it's not really any serious damage. I could see with a springier material, say nylon 645 or 618, or NinjaFlex it could actually be a viable disc. I'll upload a different model later on with some modified whistle chambers to see if I can improve the whistle. Update 2: I've made the disc closer to standard size. I've also changed the profile a bit and made a change to the inlet of the whistle. I'll update on the success of these changes. Update 3: I changed the name to be a bit more truthful.I am printing this from ABS with 0.22 mm layer height and a 0.35 mm nozzle. Medium speeds and a 25% honeycomb infill because I didn't want it to be too heavy, weak, or use too much material.

Whistling Frolf Disc
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Order summary
Whistling Frolf Disc
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)