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I created Ice Man ?due to the lack of an adequate one out there. You only need a US penny (Tight fit) and you can open Beer bottles, 2 liter soda bottles, some water bottles, and canned sodas, but why stop there? I added a clip to one side so he can clip to your fridge door, as well as a zip lock bag zipper! Just slide your zip lock bag through his left arm and it will help you close those pesky bags. Open cat food, dog food, tuna or any other zip top or stabtop cans! I keep mine in the fridge door, I ALWAYS know where he is this way and it's most convenient there. You can pause after the first layer over the penny section for easy insertion. or do what I did and use a heat gun to make the plastic pliable after the print is done and squeeze the penny in.

IceMan - Keep in the fridge and you can always open and close those things!
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IceMan - Keep in the fridge and you can always open and close those things!
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)