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I couldn't resist designing a plate for LEGO bricks that had more than just 90 degree angles. There's a lot of flexibility in things you can build using this plate. I've included two examples here. Note: The photo of the bottom was printed directly on the build plate. The other version was printed with a raft. I'm now able to successfully print this directly on the build plate.Designed in Fusion 360, sliced in Simplify3D, printed on a MakerBot Replicator2 with side panels and Elmer's Craft Bond glue stick on a glass build plate with PushPlastic filament and the following settings: Infill = 20% Layer height = 0.2 No. shells = 4 Feedrate = 40 Travel Feed = 55 Temperature = 220C

LEGO Rotary Plate
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LEGO Rotary Plate
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)