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I updated guv's handy pin header script for OpenSCAD to include both through-hole male and female headers. I also updated the design to use "faces" rather than "triangles" to preserve future compatibility. As a note, you'll need to use OpenSCAD 2014.03 or newer, or the file will not render correctly.include <..pin_headers.scad>; ======================================= then go nuts with it "height" - This sets the total length of the pin. Only really useful for male pin headers. Default is 12mm. "upper" - This sets the length of the pin above the stopper for male pin headers, or sets the height of the plastic shroud for female pin headers. Default is 7mm. "lower" - This sets the length of pin below the plastic shroud. This is only useful for female pin headers. Default 3mm. "rows" - This sets the number of rows, i.e. how long the header is. Default is 3. "cols" - This sets the number of columns, i.e. how wide the header is. Default is 2.

Dual Gender Pin Headers for OpenSCAD
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Dual Gender Pin Headers for OpenSCAD
Delivery (May 12 - May 14)