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Portrait Bust of the Emperor HadrianMarble Roman, Hadrianic period ca. A.D. 118-120 Found in Hadrian's villa at Tibur (modern Tivoli, near Rome)This bust shows Hadrian in the early part of his reign, when his beard was still relatively short and his face had a serene expression. Romans generally shaved off their beards when they reached maturity in their mid-twenties. Hadrian was the first emperor to continue to wear one and so started a fashion that persisted in imperial portraiture until the time of Constantine in the early fourth century. Hadrian's choice to remain bearded was influenced in part by his love of Greek culture, in which beards traditionally signified wisdom and maturity.Scanned at the Metropolitan Museum of Art NYCCleaned up, holes patched, and base generated in Modo.Ran into some issue with overhangs on the first print attempt - added some support in the to fix the issue. A few loose filaments on the chin overhang as well, but that could be do to a low-resolution setting on the print.Successfully printed: Black ABS on Replicator 1 Dual / Low Setting / Build time: 1:30h White ABS on Replicator 1 Dual / High Setting / Build time: 3:45h

Bust of Emperor Hadrian
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Bust of Emperor Hadrian
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)