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This thing enables you to print your music! It will create a melody Strip out of your music notes ready to use with those DIY Music Box Kits available! Simply place notes at a certain beat, print it and play the music you like. EDIT 03/06/2013: User Benjamin posted a link to a flash-site where you can place your notes on a note sheet and get the note string automatically! Thank you, Benjamin! Here the link: take a look at this video to see what it is all about: Then you'll need a music box kit like this one: If you have everything at hand check out which song you like and search for the corresponding music sheet. Take every note and convert it into the note-string. This is the pattern: [NOTE][BEATNUMBER]| You have the notes c1,d1,e1...b1,c2,d3...b2,c3 (15 notes). There are no sharps, so you may have to transpose your melody. The beat number is a number from 01 to 50 (only 50 beats supported at the moment). Don't forget the leading zero! End every "note" with the "|"-symbol. Here is an example of the note f2 on the third beat: f203| Attach more notes simply by concatenation: f203|c310|c101| The order is not important as it simply defines where to stamp the holes - not when to play the note. But don't forget: every note has to consist out of four characters with the subsequent |. To get you in the right mood I've already added the first part of the anthem of the United States (The Star-Spangled Banner). ;) Simply choose it from the "Song Picker". Additional Information: If you have a slightly different music box, then you can tweak the settings. These are your options: Print the first layer quite slow. You need to have your bed leveled as you're only printing two layers at maximum! Have fun!

DIY melody strips creator
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$ 0.00 + free delivery
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 10
  • 0 parts
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DIY melody strips creator
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)