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Miniature oven Given away for a pre-Christmas party An oven with accessories The oven has turntable knobs, light and can be opened the accessories are: 2 pizza's (with salami, pinaple, mushrooms and bacon strips.) and a margarita, a plate for in the oven and a pan (and fire). it's way too fragile to let children play with this! made with 4mm wood file contains 10 20cm * 40cm artboards. Key to build this oven is patience, try and error and when you sure it fits then glue it, not glue it and later test if it's correct or not. It is made as a onetime thing and not at all as a user friendly build design . Smaller parts not correct put together can be unable to interlock in bigger parts. it's basically an inner cube and a outer cube. order of building hint: [inner cube] - bottom -> (oven plate guides + slide for the door -> sides) -> back -> top -> inner front -> door; [outer cube] - inner cube -> (battery compartment -> bottom) -> (knobs (and mind place for switch) -> front) -> electrical stuff -> (top+ 1 side) -> other side -> back (closed) Making the light work: electronic level: noob 2 led connected to 2 batteries with a switch in between, easy. first test 1 led, if it works, make it double. 2 × white led lights, 2 × 3V button cells, 1 switch the color of the led makes a difference, 1 white led will do fine on a 3V button cell, other colors probably need a resistor. make both for the led and the batteries a tandem connection, series connection or a daisy chain, all of the same will work (Google it if none of it make sense, or if you realy don't know how to do this). the parts have a specific place and cannot fit the other way around. The big interlocking tooth of the inner cube are in the front of the oven. the back, left and right side interlocks with the outer cube. the top of the inner cube has some support against the back of the outer cube but it is designed in a way that the last part of the outer cube is the back side of the oven (it would be hard to put together if it had interlocking tooth like sides and the bottom). the opening mechanism is a 3 layer system:

Miniature oven
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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Miniature oven
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)