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This is a flat-packing tablet-holder attachment for a bluetooth keyboard. All three pieces can be easily printed within a 120mm x 100mm area (~4.7in x ~3.9in), to a height of 5mm (~0.2in), and can be printed with low % infill and maintain rigidity. It was designed for use with a 2012 Nexus 7 (though it should fit most other caseless tablets and phones), and a "BATTOP Ultra-Slim Bluetooth 3.0 Wireless Keyboard," currently $12 on Amazon (w/ Prime shipping available): This keyboard is identical to several other generic bluetooth keyboards available on Amazon, so if this one isn't available, look for one that's similar.

Puzzlepiece Bluetooth Keyboard Tablet Holder
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Puzzlepiece Bluetooth Keyboard Tablet Holder
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)