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Inspired by Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, this is a 3d printable model of the discworld travelling through space and time upon four elephants riding on the back of a giant turtle. It is mashup of several bits from different places. The turtle came from another thingiverse model of a garden turtle by Pmowes - I scaled it and flattened the top to stand the elephants on. The four elephants came from a thingiverse model by ringmaster of a parade elephant. I scaled the elephants and fused four together to fit on top of the Turtle. I also flattened the tops of the elephants to give a better base for glueing on the disc. The disc world itself I made in two parts. The rimfall I designed from scratch using Cheetah 3d - I am something of a n00b in Cheetah 3d, but the finished article is close to the effect I was seeking. The disc I modified from the other disc world model on thingiverse by aesedepece. I wanted something with more height and definition. This is his original model All the parts have been through NetFabb so they should work on most printers.Whole_Model_do_not_print.stl is just a visualisation. There are four parts to print… Rimfalls, discworld, elephants, and Atuin. Atuin - I used slic3r, normal settings for a fine print at 0.1mm layer height. I used 3DFilaprint’s RepRappertec Christmas Green PLA. Four_Elephants - Its best to print very slowly. A friend suggested inverting the elephants which really improved the print, so the latest version has inverted elephants. You need to print this with supports. It's also very helpful to use the feature that lifts the print head before moving to the next print region. In Cura its called “Z hop when retracting” and its hidden in the dialog box Enable Retraction on the Basic Tab. I set it to 0.2mm. In Slicer its called Z-Lift and its in the “Advanced" Printer settings tab. I used ColorFabb’s Shining Silver PLA from RoboSavvy. Rimfalls - I sliced this using a brim to stop the edges lifting. I used 3DFilaprint’s RepRapperTec Natural PLA. The disc world - I also sliced using a brim. I sliced it with solid infill otherwise I could see the infill through my 3DFilaprint RepRapperTec Fluorescent Blue PLA. I paused the print to change filaments 3 times. My colour changes were as follows: 0-2mm - Fluorescent Blue PLA. 2mm-4mm - Green PLA 4mm-6mm - I used laywood because it was the only brown I had with me at the time :-) 8mm to finish - Natural PLA, but you could use white. I used solvent cement to glue the lot together. Have Fun.

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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 10
  • 0 parts
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Delivery (May 09 - May 11)