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This water cannon has (besides the lack of a wheel suspension functional parts. The nozzle of the internal water output will be modified, to distort the output of the water and increase the vacuum for the air intake. It's a work in progress, to test some fluid dynamics features of SolidWorks. This is not a replica, but a fantasy model of a non excisting thing. Doesn't mean the Water Cannon AIR Special isn't a great toy for kids.Mind extruded with Autodesk 123D Design Most of the work was done with profiles / revolve / push / tweak / mirror / copy / paste / boolean. Working with solids was most of the time in one axes, to extrude after a copy / paste / scale action. It's a work in progress, to test some fluid dynamics features of SolidWorks. Why a cannon? The assigment was to draw a cannon (the noisy kind), but I made a harmless water cannon.

Water Canon AIR Special
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Water Canon AIR Special
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)