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• Various small tests, suitable mainly around the Ultimaker 2, but also for other 3D printer. NozzleSize: ~0.42mm / Walls: 0.43mm. The use is entirely at your own risk and responsibility.• Whatever you want to test... • Note: Some items available here are not printable and have no description. So do not be surprised, because I use this area also for other purposes. • Some objects here are almost finished prototypes, and possibly later, they are available as tested thingis. If you have some time to spare, then you might make a few printing tests with various filaments, and give me some feedback between. If you particularly like some of it, and you would like to participate on the improvement, then please use the contact options on the Website. • And in some object regions are often shown in red: "Support-materials" , "Support-structures" , which has to be completely removed after printing. Quick explanations: • Test-Accuracy(M3M4) - This is for finding out what settings are required, so that the screw types will sit well later. • Test-AxisMoving - Disable all skirt. - This is a simple motion test for all axis, which reaches a very wide range of the UM2 platform. - Be careful, fan trays can collide with the bed retaining clips that you must correct before! - Pay attention to the amount of noise, sounds like everything is normal for you ready? - Let this test run very slow if you want to lubricate the axis cozy. At the end, the quality of the resulting walls Explore exactly. Is everything okay, do you like it so? • Test-BedAlignment - Disable all skirt. - Here you have the possibility to check whether the alignment of the print bed is sufficiently good. - This is an important exercise before much expensive material is wasted. • Test-Surface - A little test to the first examination of the surface quality, using a simple object. - Print the object without infill to determine the required top and bottom-thickness - Or determine the quantity of infill for a good finish. • Test-Wall e 043 - Another small test, which is mainly used to determine the Print Quality. - Print multiple identical objects with different materials, for determining of the material quality. - Print multiple identical objects, with varying settings to determine the best settings for a very specific material.

Prototypes - test objects - And much more
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Prototypes - test objects - And much more
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)