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Printable anemometer - clips onto a cell phone (designed for a Nexus 5, could easily be modified to fit a different phone); the phone detects rotations of an added rare earth magnet. The beginnings of an Android app for reading the meter are here: Print one of each: Also required: The 'phone_holder' has a cylindrical hole of 6mm diameter that I used to install a small ball bearing (from a broken toy helicopter) - this might need to be adjusted if you have a different bearing. I used a 3mm machine screw with the head removed and matching nuts and washer (for 'sandwiching' the bearing - the rotor and magnet holder just screw on) as an axle - something else could be improvised... I split up the main rotor into two parts to be able to print it without supports: the top and three bottom 'cup segments' are to be glued onto the top. The github for the app is given in the main description - it is very much work in progress. At the point of this writing, it will display RPMs of the rotor (plus a scrolling recent history graph), but not actual wind speed. One would need to calibrate for actual wind speed measurements, possibly with an existing, calibrated anemometer, or a source of known, constant speed wind. The app was written in Android studio and should compile without additional libraries - there is a pre-compiled apk in the folder 'app'.

Nexus 5 anemometer
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by Sep 25
  • 0 parts
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Nexus 5 anemometer
Delivery (Sep 24 - Sep 26)