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Reworked Ox gantry plates to allow access to the adjustment screws for the stepper motors.I've reworked the Ox gantry plates to allow access to the adjustment screws for the stepper motors. If you double-belt your Ox (or even if using a single-belt setup), you can't easily tighten the belts, as the method advocated by the designer and those selling commercial kits relies on pulling the belt tight by hand and dogging it down using a t-nut. This, despite there being a set of slots designed to allow moving the the steppers to be the method of tightening the belts - as it should be. The original design meant that the steppers couldn't be adjusted once the gantry was installed - which was pretty much a major oversight in what is otherwise a fairly well-designed machine. This modification will allow the correct adjustment by the stepper to tighten the belts.

Reworked gantry plates for the OpenBuilds Ox CNC router to allow correct belt adjustment.
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Reworked gantry plates for the OpenBuilds Ox CNC router to allow correct belt adjustment.
Delivery (May 04 - May 06)