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Also available on Shapeways: This is an enclosure for the FG085 Function Generator Kit. When assembled, the kit has exposed sides and I wanted them to be covered to avoid any short circuits or debris from causing problems. There are other things out there ( and thank you for the inspiration) that look great, but just didn't work for me. I did not want to have to manually drill out holes to access the power and USB or tape two pieces of plastic together. Therefore, I designed this from the build plate up to be a single piece that just works and fits the FG085 perfectly. Orient the file so that the open ends are in the vertical axis. I printed with 1 wall, 10% infill and no support material and it seems to be fine. Took 2 hours on a Rep 2. Once printed, simply remove the back panel of the FG085, slide this object over the PCB up to the front panel (ensuring proper orientation so that the USB and Power holes line up properly), and then re-attach the back panel.

FG085 Slide On Enclosure
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FG085 Slide On Enclosure
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)