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!!!NOTICE: There is now a new version of my lizard which has a fix for a problem with his eyes. Please let me know if you experience any issues with this file. This little chap is my first model of a living creature. I built him in Blender 2.66a (the release I have has a 3D prinitng toolbox which I believe is still in testing but worth looking at regardless). He is not any particular kind of lizard and I have tried to make him look as sweet as possible for a reptile! If you look closely, he is smiling at you:-) He renders without error in OpenSCAD. He does not need supports and his base is nice and flat so you should be good to go. He prints well in ABS and PLA. The shiny red lizard was printed in ABS The plain red lizard was printed in ABS The greeny yellow lizard was printed using a heat reactive ABS The black lizard was printed in PLA The greeny yellow and the shiny red lizard were 'steamed' in acetone to make them shine.

Little Lizard
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Little Lizard
Delivery (May 11 - May 13)