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This lioness can be found hanging out at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. I used an SLR camera and 123D Catch PC to create the 3D model from photographs. Here is the original project and textured version at used an SLR and 123D Catch PC app to create this model from photographs. The lion was behind glass, so I couldn't get around to capture the other side. I was able to use Meshmixer to mirror the good side to the missing side. Shooting tips: I would recommend to keep in mind to have the complete object in focus while shooting, eliminating any depth of field that can degrade the result. Also, shoot sequentially in small increments. A good rule of thumb is to shoot a 360 degree loop of 20-30 photos with the subject in full frame at same zoom. If the subject does not fit, then shoot two photographs from the same position with plenty of overlap. Then another loop from a top down angle (if possible). Remember not to move or rotate the object since 123D Catch also uses the surroundings to construct the scene. Ideally put the object on a newspaper or similar. When you have your photos, make sure not to upload resolution higher than 3-6 megapixels. Also, when shooting people, make sure they do not move whatsovever. Have them focus on a distant target (so eyes don’t move) and it is easiest if they close their jaw/mouth so the facial muscles aren’t moving.

Lion Capture
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 06
  • 0 parts
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Lion Capture
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)