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This is an alternate configuration for the printable clock, using four gears instead of eight, as well as some suggestions from rustedrobot and barrychuck (thanks guys!) to further reduce friction in the gear train, like only using concentric shafts to support the hands. It's also much faster to print, of course! :-)Because there are fewer gears, the 60:1 reduction is accomplished as 8x7.5 and the 12:1 reduction is accomplished as 4x3. This places some severe constrainst on the size of the gear hubs, but I think I managed to make everything fit.The downside in this trade-off is the size of the gear teeth, which is much smaller than in the 8-gear version. We'll have to see if it was worth it.This script relies on both the MCAD involute_gear library and on my own clockwork library.Current repository for the latest version of the clockwork library: one of each STL file, or fiddle with the script, check your work with assembled(), and then generate a new STL for each part with laidOutToPrint(), and print those.The current configuration requires two shafts to slip the sleeved gears over, outer diameter 2mm with a clearance of half a millimeter either side, so M3 might work, depending on the print tolerances.I'll hack up a frame for this soon, still working on improved frames for both clocks with rustedrobot.The early adopters may want to pick a single gear or two, and print them out, just to see if the teeth are printable... ;-)(EDIT: rev'd the script up to revB, just a fix to some of the echo() text, no changes to the actual clock parts)

Clock Script for Reduced Friction (4 gears, 2 shafts)
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
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  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 13
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Clock Script for Reduced Friction (4 gears, 2 shafts)
Delivery (May 12 - May 14)