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After we had been using OpenSCAD for months and learnt its limitations we decided we should write something which helps creating complex models. Our obvious choice was Java, because both of us are expert Java developers and the cross-platform support for Java is ideal to generate code for the equally cross-platform OpenSCAD. This led to the creation of JavaSCAD, a simple framework in Java. The basic concept is to represent the OpenSCAD primitive objects with a Java object and build more complex ones from them. There is still ongoing development around JavaSCAD - for one thing it should be improved and addded more functionality and the other part is to include the OpenSCAD's 2D capabilities (the 3D features are already implemented). Also uploaded a simple example about the current status - it's just a simple, parameterized Lego brick creator. Two brick is attached as well for those who want to see the result first. Another example is the gothic shelf, we published a few weeks ago. Update: we just released the new version: r405 with two new features: intersection and rounding. Update2: we just released yet another update: r426 with a new feature: polyhedron thanks for Rob van der Veer for the contribution; and a new rendering option: generation of POVRay output, which is still in a very alpha state. Update3: yet another update with a few tweaks in the alignment abilities and fixing the rotation which was working only in special cases till now Update4: finally we released the source code on GitHub under GNU GLP v2 licence. If you have any question don't hesitate to contact us! Update5: new release with direct STL and (colored) PLY export functionality - the idea came and part of the code based on mihu's JavaCSG port. Tagging and much more:

JavaSCAD - Our little model generator framework
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 12
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JavaSCAD - Our little model generator framework
Delivery (May 11 - May 13)