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There you are working on you giant mansion minding your own business when you walk outside for a smoke. As you light up you realize it has gotten really quiet, then as you try to sprint back for your door. SSSSSssssSSSssSS. It is to late you have been caught by the creeper. As you die in the fiery explosion you think, man this is gonna suck. Walking back to your home from the hospital you find all of you stuff laying in the hole that used to be your yard.Now you can play pranks on your friends and spawn your own army of creepers to take over the world. I present the Parametric Creeper, this model is based off the scale sizes that I found to make a Scale creeper in game, based off one block per pixel. I then modified them to be parametric and built an OpenSCAD script to generate the models.Below are the figures for the statue I used, and should be the same as the pixel count for a creeper skin:Head: 8x8x8 Body: 12x8x4 Feet: 6x8x4The head of the creeper is exactly half a normal block, so if you want to make other Minecraft items the above figures, blocks are 16x16 with what ever your scaling is. The .stl files that I have included are all at an 8x scale, with the OpenSCAD file included to scale it up or down.Disclaimer: The Creeper and anything else related to minecraft is owned by Markus Persson aka Notch and Mojang AB. I claim no rights to anything but the wild idea to make my own creeper. I loved the game and everything they are doing so you should support them if you aren't already. Note: I am putting this as a Attribution - Creative Commons license simply because I don't know what else to put it as. If anyone from Mojang has a problem with this model or the Licensing that I have set for it let me know and I will change it.Update 1: The .stls provided below are at 8x scale. This makes the creeper come out to about 8 inches. I will be uploading a standardized scale .stl at a later date. As I work on the rest of a set of minecraft models I learn how huge these things are. It looks as though the animals won't print on my makerbot hence the change in scaling, when I get one that works for everything. I was not in the right mind when I started this project but the creeper keeps telling me that I must finish or he will explode. Hopefully the minecraft guy will save me when he respawns. Update 2: As with my other models I have cleaned up the code for this one commenting it and making it more standard and easier to use. I have also generated the Creeper in the new 5x scale models. No inline magnet support yet but that is due to the differences in magnets. Hopefully with the commenting it will be easier to add magnets.Print 1 of each Head, Body and Leg set. Preferably in a green color.Using markers or paint color in the toes on the legs and the face of the creeper.Attach legs to the body. At the 8x scale 3mm filament works perfect. cut off 8 small piece and use as connectors. Glue in place either by melting with acetone or using super glue.Place head on body. The print layers on mine allow the head and body to stick together fairly well with mine while allowing the head to spin. It has been suggested to add support for magnets to hold everything together but I haven't tried as of yet.Warning: Author not responsible for any damages caused by exploding creepers. Anyone that plays Minecraft knows full well how dangerous they can be. If you are crazy enough to bring one of the demon things into the world you are responsible for any havoc that they may cause.

Parametric Minecraft - Creeper
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
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  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 07
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Parametric Minecraft - Creeper
Delivery (May 06 - May 08)