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Handy portable rack for eight reels of wire. I have lots of wire in the workshop – when you buy 100m reels it gets cheap. However I never had space to have all of these on the bench at once, Awkward to take with me too, if I was working away from my usual workshop. So here's a little rack, and home-made reels to go into it. About 100' fits on each reel, less for thicker wireCable reels Cut the circular end plates from something thin - I used 2.5mm hardboard. Then cut lengths of 20mm PVC electrical conduit to make reel cores. Assemble them with hot melt glue. Try to keep the plates square and the outside end smooth. Rack The rack is laser cut from 6mm MDF. The centre dividers are from the same thin stuff as the cable reels. You can adjust the mortices for either if you change the material thicknesses. Assemble with wood glue and a coat of shellac to keep the damp off. NB - the end plates and the dividers have an "Up" direction - the spindle holes are all slightly above the centre line. Make sure you assemble them all the same way round. The spindles are just two lengths of 10mm dowel. I located mine side-to-side with a couple of tiny rare-earth magnets and hotmelt. You could use tape, tiewraps or anything. If you're using the PDFs, just cut the black lines and ignore the red or blue.

Workshop wire rack
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 05
  • 0 parts
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Workshop wire rack
Delivery (May 04 - May 06)