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This is just my install of Bottleworks' Aluminum Arms for the Replicator. I just did it a bit differently, incorporating a wide-stance* 3-point leveling system based upon the alternate heater board of This Thing depends on having that board, the Bottleworks arms, and a handy mill; so probably somewhere between zero and none of you will be able to do this exactly as I did. So consider this an 'idea' thing. First, my apologies in advance to Bottleworks for inflicting my dull cutters and ham-handed machining skills upon his beautiful arms. I needed to replace the main plywood platform between the arms, and I couldn't find 5mm ply locally, so the first thing I had to do was to mill out the platform slot in the arms to 1/4 inch. Then, in the final two inches of the slot, I plunged to open it completely through the arms. This slot made it possible to use a new ply platform, with 'wings' that extend outwards to support leveling posts at the forward corners of the build plate. They're easier to reach, and give a finer adjustment than the original narrower footprint. The alternate heater board includes a rear center hole for the third leveling point. I don't have a laser cutter handy, so all the nooks & crannies of the new platform plate were done by hand on a scroll saw. Sorry, there's no plan, but it's very straightforward. Mostly just a copy of the existing plate, and add the wings, and new holes for the leveling points. The pictures pretty much tell the tale. You'll need one new M3x25 screw for the rear leveling point, and you need to rearrange the long screws on the build plate to the outer corners. Otherwise install as per Bottleworks' instructions.

Replicator Aluminum Arms + 3-Point Leveling
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 06
  • 0 parts
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Replicator Aluminum Arms + 3-Point Leveling
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)