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This is a model that I haven't been working on for long, but I think it has great potential. Originally, it floated but not upright. Since then, I have changed the shape of the hull, which is now not as tall as it used to be, to fix this problem. The boat now floats upright. I will keep posting updates as I continue to work on this model. Hope you like it. When I finish this model, I will begin dissecting it into several smaller pieces for people like me who have a small printer.To make this model, I started how any good scientist would, I ran some tests. I began by printing a simple 1x1 cm cube with my default print settings. I then printed a 2x2 cm cube with the same print settings. After this, I filled a glass with water before dropping the smaller cube in the water. Sure enough, it floated. Next, I dropped the larger cube in the water, just to be sure that the size of the printed object didn't affect the ability for it to float. The larger cube also float. Next, I decided to start getting creative. I hopped onto my computer and started modeling. I decided that just setting coins on my boat would be a little boring. The first thing I made was a barrel. This barrel had a hole in it that I could put coins into. I hoped that this would make my entry not only more appealing, but also more importantly, more creative. The next model I created was the actual pirate ship. My process of modeling is probably different than that of others. I started by just making a pirate ship that didn't have any detail besides the general shape. It was pretty much a 3-dimensional version of what a little kid might draw on a piece of paper. It looked pretty bad. But this was my plan, it's all a part of my process. This first model acted as a sort of skeleton. After this, I began to add a lot of detail. I started adding ripples to the sails, smoother seams, etc. I tested the hull at a lake. I set U.S. dimes on top of it until it sunk. I managed to fit 10 dimes on top of the hull, that's 22.68 g. I probably could have gotten more before it sunk, but the main problem was that it became too difficult to balance. I printed the hull at the maximum size that would fit on my Replicator Mini build plate. If printed larger, the point of balance will grow and this problem can be overcome. I then filled one of my barrels with 10 U.S. dimes and set it on top of the hull. This was even more difficult because the weight of the dimes was in one place, where before, this weight was spread out. I printed this model the largest I possibly could with my current build plate size. The dimensions were: hull: 50.36 x 51.43 x 116.71 mm This model is still a work in progress, but I hope to finish it soon.

Pirate Ship
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
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Pirate Ship
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)