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We had an ant problem and I read about making a sweet-but-deadly mixture involving borax, that ants will think is food and take it back to the colony. It will poison all the ants, including the queen, thus ending your ant problem. I made this really simple poison holder, which is easy to fill with the deadly liquid, and easy for the ants to get into. And I added a handle, because it's near impossible to pick this thing up without it. I really didn't need to 3d print something, as there's a lot of household items that will serve this purpose. But it was so simple. Why not? To make the poison: 1 tbsp borax 3 tbsp sugar 1-2 tbsp hot water 1 tbsp syrup (maple, caramel, etc) Basically just mix everything together and stir. When it cools down, stir again and pour it in the ant traps and place them near any ant highway. As soon as one ant finds it, it leaves a happy trail that the other ants follow to find it also. Within an hour it will be overflowing with ants. Don't interrupt them, as you want them to suck up the liquid and take it back to the colony. Within a day or two the ants should stop. The .py file is a SolidPython script that was used to generate the objects (it's a python wrapper around OpenSCAD). I don't expect anyone to use it, but it's included for reference. The .py file is a SolidPython script that was used to generate the objects (it's a python wrapper around OpenSCAD). I don't expect anyone to use it, but it's included for reference.

Borax ant trap with handle
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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Borax ant trap with handle
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)