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This is the keyhanger that was made to demonstrate, in a simple way, the concept of color blending using the Diamond Hotend for the initial Kickstarter campaign. It is made using three transparent filaments only: red, yellow and blue. The amber and green colors in the keyhanger were produced by several layers of alternating color. In theory this thing could be produced by any printer capable of handling at least three different filaments... That's why we made another version of the keyhanger featuring real color blending by using Repetier Firmware (soon to be published).Slicer settings: First layer height: 0.2 mm Layer height: 0.2 mm Infill: 100% For best results print using the Purge tower:

Diamond Hotend keyhanger
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Order summary
Diamond Hotend keyhanger
Delivery (May 21 - May 23)