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This is meant to be a way to track damage in World of Darkness pen-and-paper role playing games. In the World of Darkness, damage comes in three flavors: That's all well and good, but in practice, one's character sheet can get a little ragged from all the marking and erasing. Also, gaming is always more fun with dice and counters and markers and the like. So... I made this to give gamers a fun physical way of tracking damage. It also occurred to me while making this that it could be a useful tool for gamers with visual disabilities, since you can feel the different marks. EDIT: I just changed it a bit so that the bottom face is completely flat, as it seems like that would likely print better. I've also added a STL with 9 20mm cubes ready for printing. 1) print out the desired number of cubes (most likely 7 for typical WoD characters) 2) when playing, start out with all the cubes lined up, with one of the blank sides facing up 3) as your character takes damage, turn the die so that the appropriate face is showing (bashing, lethal, or aggravated)I'm also uploading the SCAD file, in case anyone wants a differently sized cube (the STL has 20mm sides). There's also a "shrink" parameter at the top of the file that controls how thick the borders and the lines are.

Damage Cube for role-playing games
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$ 0.00 + free delivery
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 10
  • 0 parts
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Damage Cube for role-playing games
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)