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Decided to play a little with openscad while my noodles were cooking. Fractal generation using recursive modules was something I wanted to try, so I started coding a planar cross type fractal... I got excited about it, added 3d rotations and some randomness to the algorithm and I got some nice looking trees. Thanks to the random number generator the tree will look different every time you open it. Decided to publish the tree, throw away the goop cooking on the stove, and order some pizza. Warning: This algorithm is O(5^n) complexity, so anything above n=6 will take your computer a while to render... Update on v2: Using v2 one can create progressive complexity states of the tree, "growing" a fractal tree. Check this video on YouTube.

Imperfect Random Fractal Tree
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Imperfect Random Fractal Tree
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)