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1 Month Rental - High Quality SLA's - Mojo
Hi Everyone,
I''m currently considering renting the Mojo 3D printer from Stratasys for ~$1500. As an entrepreneur, with a shoestring budget, I'm looking for the best value. Do you think anyone would rent their printer for $500 for a month (maybe add a security deposit)? I'd like to have the printer so I can make changes on the fly, etc. I'm in Nashville,TN. All help is greatly appreciated.
bmmal - The Mojo is not an SLA machine. It is an FDM machine. The SLA like machines Stratasys offers are the Objet series. Some of them are nearly portable but it is unlikely you will find someone willing to rent it out for that price.

For $1500 you can buy a nice FDM DIY kit. Or a little more could get you an Ultimaker - probably the closest thing to a turn key solution in the pro-sumer market. A little work can be done to build your own controlled environment build envelope. Even $500 will get you something decent.

Of course there is a learning curve with a pro-sumer/DIY solution. But there is enough help available that just a little technical skill can get you going pretty quickly. Many of the Stratasys machines are heavy. A Dimension weighs about 300 pounds and I believe a UPrint weighs nearly 200. The Mojo looks much more portable but I'm not sure how common they are. Additionally, those who have such machines and use them a lot (they pretty much have to in order to justify buying it) would probably lose a lot more money than $500 by renting it out.

Stay away from Makerbots. They are generally regarded as over priced for the construction and print quality.

All that said, I do have a Stratasys Dimension FDM. While I can't offer personal delivery or pick up of prints. I do have short turn around times. If you are willing to pay for shipping I could probably get prints to you in 2-3 days. At my day job we do have an Objet Eden 350V. I would be happy to assist you in making arrangements for that. Send me a message if any of this is appealing to you or if you would like to talk more. Makexyz does not alert you when new comments are made on a post.

10 years, 2 months ago
jadcld7603 - We would be interested in renting out our Mojo Printer. Please message me directly as Ben said the forum does not alert of new comments. Thank you.
John Davidson
Printivity 3D
10 years, 2 months ago
b1designs - bmmal thank you for your thorough response. I'll keep your service in mind.
Mojo only weighs 50-60lbs so it's not as heavy as the uPrint.

Jadcld7603 - I sent you a message.
10 years, 2 months ago
anonymous2 - Wow, i must say that the rent of this is so reasonable. I mean Mojo 3D printer from Stratasys for ~$1500 is so cheap. Also you can get help from to manage your thesis assignment easily. And i think the person who needs it can contact them very easily. I have it otherwise i will buy it from them.
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