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15 Natural Beauty and Skin Care Products to Swear By
After years of chasing the newest beauty trends, I learned one thing: Mother Nature has already provided me with everything I need to be my best self.

The beauty industry makes a lot of promises: This 100% natural lotion, with a list of unpronounceable ingredients, will erase your stretch marks! This magic serum, extracted from the tears of Amazon's rare unicorn species, will eliminate your wrinkles! This night-time moisturizer, endorsed by Kim K herself, will give your face the same glow as her Instagram-filtered photos!

As ridiculous as these claims are, most of us will fall for them at some point in our lives. Lord knows I have - time and time again.

After blowing paycheques on the latest and greatest trends in Sephora's best-selling beauty and anti-aging aisles, I realized the products all did the same thing for my skin. The most expensive night creams were not necessarily the best, and all the products contained ingredients that I could barely pronounce, let alone recognize. I often got stubborn whiteheads from the thicker night creams and rashes from the exfoliating serums. Beauty consultants met my complaints with assurances that my skin would "get used to it."
martin20 - Mother nature indeed has its wonders. I discovered this recently when I started fishing. I found myself in this activity, and I have to say that it is very relaxing and it is a good way to get some rest after a long week. The most important part when you start such activities is to equip yourself with tools and gears that could help you. It is also very important to find qualitative stuff, so I suggest you search for a good shop that will provide you with quality-wise stuff. I buy my equipment from this online store that has a lot of affordable things that make such activities easier.Also they have a large range of beauty products that my wife enjoys.
1 year, 11 months ago
sarafoster - Thanks for sharing..
1 year, 2 months ago
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