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3D Printed Stuff for Sale?
Just curious how people are doing with this. I think it's a neat feature, but haven't joined in yet. Anyone having any sales?
blackshadow1946 - Haven't tried it yet.
9 years, 9 months ago
elpulpo - I'm getting an incredible response! Here I am, standing at the counter, waiting for customers with a big banner outside the store and a tumbleweed drifts past every hour or so. Other than that. Not a whole lot. :-)

Sorry, Nathan but he did ask! :-D

Truth is, it's early days. We'll see how things pan out but a few more hits wouldn't be unwelcome.

Think a little Search Engine Optimisation may be in order.
9 years, 9 months ago
boxbluff_1 - I've had one sale for the Best Friends Forever necklace I posted ( but here's hoping that I'll see some more!!

I agree with @elpulpo that it's early days. These things probably dont happen overnight. But would love more orders coming in!
9 years, 9 months ago
vinnie90 - I was curious as well, I haven't had a chance to put up anything.
9 years, 9 months ago
necf - I sold one thing the first two hours of listing it here and then nothing since. I've had some positive response and inquiries by putting a link of an item in the most appropriate subreddit. But still no sales beside an NFC enabled Bitcoin pendant.
9 years, 9 months ago
0 - Suggesion to all you would be tycoons - DO some public relations ! list your itemms of ebay / amazon ... This site is good - but amazon is 1 trillion times the hits .
9 years, 8 months ago
sumit - 3D printed stuff is one of the growing markets around the world and many of the people are using 3D printers at home and commercially for printing and selling stuff.
If you too wish to join them, you can get the best-quality 3D printers from 3D Printers Bay and use them to print the desired objects in utter ease.
5 years, 8 months ago
dxvgdxpakq - Wow, that was an interesting question to think about. Time goes by, and nowadays, there are a lot of 3D printed things for sale. Moreover, there are a lot of stores, deals, resellers. However, it is still not so popular, imo. I agree it is one of the growing markets, and you can make some money if you buy a 3D printer. The problem is that these printers aren't cheap at all. Let's be honest, most of us don't have some free money for this luxury. Using promo codes and discounts is a good solution for this. I personally use , and I am pretty sure you can find many things you need there. It can be a great business if you buy a 3D printer at a discount. You can get a nice ROI, and your expenses will pay off quite soon. I wish you good luck if you think of getting into this business!
2 years, 1 month ago
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