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3D printing new years resolutions?
Planning any upgrades? New printers? A scanner??

My 3D printing new years resolution is to build my own printer.
vinnie90 - Im just focusing on business this next year. Also, being half way to 50 in 11 days........
9 years, 4 months ago
printedsolid - I'm pretty excited to try the cyclops as well as the 3dkreashuns bristle printing technique. My resolution is to get more active with blog posts. Reviews of lots of new materials and instructions on a few cool new techniques I've come across that I haven't had time to share.
9 years, 4 months ago
nateybo - building a 3rd prusa i3 3d printer, building a 3d scanner(arduino and projector based), building a motion tracking floodlight, and perfecting my lost pla/lost foam mold making for pouring molten aluminum from my buddys forge/foundry. wanting to buy and experiment with - ninjaflex, nylon, wood, polycarb, conductive, and rubber composite filament (TPA?) on the far far horizon - development of a scaled up prusa i3, aiming for a build area of 2.5'x2.5'x2.5'
i plan to take pics of all steps to all projects on instagram, follow me! natecommabolin, i have some really cool videos of the forge pouring liquid aluminum.
9 years, 4 months ago
nathan - yea, i'd like to build a few... maybe i'll start one today :)
9 years, 4 months ago
itchypigcreations - I am going to add another printer to the factory in Feb. I also will do the good upgrades to my Rep 2.
9 years, 4 months ago
raykholo - I've successfully built multiple models of my Cohesion Printer and so far it's the best filament printer I've ever used.
Resolution? Build the largest 3D printing empire ever.
9 years, 3 months ago
nathan - when can we test out the Cohesion?
9 years, 3 months ago
raykholo - As a filament printer? Already working beautifully and printing parts for more units.
As a resin and conductive ink printer? Just need to print those modules and get testing....
9 years, 3 months ago
robertbrown - I would recommend to check information about optical encoders
2 years, 4 months ago
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