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5 Tips for Interpreting Symbolism in Literature
Understanding the literature that is assigned in English class can be an onerous task. Reading novels that use different dialects and that are set in an obscure time period can be mentally exhausting and time-consuming. If it isn't the complex plot lines that make the reading material challenging, there is also symbolism that you need to identify and interpret. But not to worry - students of any level can learn to tackle complex literature on Here are some helpful hints to sharpen your faculty at spotting symbolism and to interpret it to the best of your ability:

1. Recognize common symbols
It is important to be able to first recognize when symbolism is being used. A symbol is an item that is used for or stands in for something else. For example, a common symbol would be the sunset. Since a sunset marks the ending of a day, it is often used to represent the ending of a significant period in one's life. It can also signify change, because after the sun sets, the mood changes and the night sets in. Keeping that example in mind, keep a sharp eye out for commonly used symbols with equally common themes.

2. Take notes
Whether you're listening to a lecture in class or reading independently, taking notes can help you keep track of and better understand characters, events, and settings. Key elements such as characterization and detailed descriptions of the time and place of the plots can provide pieces to a puzzle that connects you to the bigger picture. Plus, annotating your text can help you identify your subconscious thoughts and feelings about a passage.

3. Look for repetition
Often, an author may signify something is important by using recurring symbols or phrases. Continuous use of an object or an idea conveys it is important to the understanding of the larger idea being presented. For example, Kurt Vonnegut's use of the phrase, "So it goes," after a death occurs in his novel "Slaughterhouse Five" conveys that death is a natural occurrence, and that war and human destruction occur almost as naturally.

4. Do research
There is a rich history of symbolism, and you can access this history easily through the click of a button. Since there is often symbolism behind simple things like colors, numbers, and even plants, you can easily go online to find the historical meaning behind something you suspect is being used symbolically. For instance, the number 13 usually symbolizes bad luck, and the color white has been used to convey an idea of innocence or goodness. Remember: a symbol can always have more than one meaning, so it's important to consider the context in which the symbol is used in order to get the most out of your research.

5. Draw conclusions
After listing characteristics and making note of any instances of repetition, draw connections between objects, phrases, and characters in order to understand the general theme of the piece. Since reading is so subjective, each reader may draw different conclusions; however, valid conclusions are based on the evidence present in the literature (more on Be sure to be as detailed as possible in the presentation of your connections so that your discussions and papers have a solid foundation to stand on.
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3 years ago
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