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About dating sites
Some sites do terrible things like charge men, but women can go to dating sites for free. Now this method works for bars. But by making this method ONLINE, it just creates it only good for the girl, but bad for the guy.

By providing it for free for women, but men have to pay, he creates a site full of female trolls, and only guys are seriously trying to find someone there. At the very least, it would be better if both men and women paid, but women get a little cheaper.

You can pay a monthly fee and pay off loans to buy additional things, and you still most likely won't get any answers. Many sites create fake matches (even if the profile itself is real) to make you think, " Wow, I have a match! She likes me!” to get you to fork out your money because you THINK it works. It's like paying a lot of money for nothing.
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