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Advanced Marketing Mix 7P
When it comes to services provided by the work method, in addition to the obvious ones: product, place, promotion and prices, an important element of good marketing is, for example, the professional and personal qualities of the master performer

In the late 1970s, marketers began to think that service marketing was somewhat different from physical product marketing. The fact is that when it comes to services provided by the work method, then, in addition to the obvious ones: product, place, promotion and prices, an important element of good marketing is the professional and personal qualities of the master performer. Along with this, the experience and technologies used in the process are no less important.

This understanding led to the creation of the "7P Advanced Marketing Mix". In 1981, Booms, BH and Bitner, MJ added three new elements to the 4 Ps (Booms and Bitner 1981). The three new factors they proposed focus not on physical products, but on services. That's why the 7Ps model is also called the "service marketing mix".

Three new factors:

People ( People): All companies rely on people - employees and task executors, sales staff and up to the managing director. Having the right people is very important because they are as much a part of your business as your products/services. People play an important role in the marketing of any product or service. In the professional, financial, or hospitality industries, professionals are not manufacturers, but rather the products themselves, and they influence the public perception of an organization as much as any tangible consumer goods. From a marketing management point of view, it is important to ensure that the company's employees represent the company. This is easier to ensure when people feel they are being treated fairly and are being sufficiently rewarded for their attitude towards work and consumers.

You also need to mention such a marketing method as email distribution. Often for this type of marketing, is used for find emails of people. When sending an e-mail with offers to potential or regular customers, you should think very carefully about the text of the appeal itself. The client must feel that a person is addressing him and that he is not reading a text written by a machine. This is of great importance for the positive reaction of email recipients.

Processes _ _): The provision of service is usually carried out in the presence of the client, so how exactly the service is provided to the consumer is part of what the consumer pays for. A process is a set of activities that determine the benefit of a product and lead to the consumer receiving the product itself. A process can be a sequential set of solvable tasks that an employee performs as part of their job. It can be a sequence of steps performed by different employees. Some people are responsible for managing multiple processes at the same time. For example, a restaurant manager must monitor the work of employees, monitor compliance with processes. He must also oversee how customers are greeted, seated, fed, and interacted with customers throughout the service process.

Physical evidence ( Physical Evidence) : Customer satisfaction with a service product (services rendered) is affected by: equipment. with the use of which the service is provided, furniture and special clothing of a specialist. For example, a travel agency when arranging a trip might provide consumers with a tour overview brochure. Even if the material is not physically printed (in the case of PDF files), the consumer still receives a kind of "confirmation" that the service has been provided or the process of providing the service has begun.

Evidence of a high level of service provided by a service provider may be more abstract evidence, such as the interior of the office in which the service is performed, including interior design, color schemes, and layout. Some elements of proof of service provided may be more tangible, such as souvenirs, memorabilia, invoices. According to the concept of Booms and Bitner, physical evidence is important for buyers, since often the result of the provision of services is imperceptible or not obvious (dry cleaning of clothes) and material confirmation is required - proof (branded package - packaging of clean clothes) that the seller provided the service that he expected customer.

Although the 7P's have been around since the 1980s, the 4P's marketing mix remains a staple for the service industry as well. It is enough for an attentive marketer to understand that, in fact, “people”, “processes” and “confirmation” are all the same “Product” of the marketing mix. Something from “people”, “processes” and “confirmation” actually refers to “Place (place)”, for example, equipment and equipment for a place where goods are sold or a place where a service is provided. However, in the service sector, a product is not only a set of physical properties, but everything that surrounds and accompanies the product: packaging, labeling, relationships in the provision of services, the consumption process itself.

The fairness of highlighting a number of important factors into separate elements of the complex and expanding the marketing mix to “7P” does not cancel the “4P” marketing mix and is not as significant outside the service sector as it might seem.
larisabrownb - The 7Ps comprise Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical evidence. A study by HubSpot found that businesses that use the ..The marketing mix is a widely accepted strategic marketing tool that combines. the original 4ps (product, place, price, promotion) with the additional 3Ps—people, packaging, and process—in formulating marketing tactics for a product or service. profitability objective.The 5 P's of marketing – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People – are a framework that helps guide marketing strategies and keep marketers focused on the right things. Let's take a deep dive into their importance for your brand. was an American marketing professor and author. He proposed the concept of the 4 Ps marketing mix in his 1960 book Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach, which has been one of the top textbooks in university marketing courses since its publication.
5 months, 1 week ago
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