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Airbnb Plus
Does anyone have experience as an ‘Airbnb Plus’ host? Has it been a good experience for you? We’ve been invited to upgrade to Plus status for greater exposure and an opportunity to increase our prices but online feedback is mixed (unreasonably high expectations and loss of control seem to be the negatives).

I’d appreciate some feedback from someone with experience in this area.

lonarcvarden - I haven't hosted on Airbnb Plus myself, but I've heard quite a bit about it. It seems like there are mixed opinions out there, which isn't uncommon when it comes to new ventures like this. On one hand, the increased exposure and potential for higher prices sound enticing, but on the flip side, the idea of having to meet higher expectations and potentially feeling like you're losing some control over your space can be daunting.
If you're looking for more insights or resources related to the hospitality industry, you might find to be a valuable source of information. It's always helpful to gather as much information as possible before making a decision like this. Wishing you the best of luck as you navigate this opportunity!
2 months ago
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