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Airless Paint Sprayer
Does anyone have any experience with these? I recently bought a new house that needs the entire interior painting, including cabinets and molding. I was thinking of getting a sprayer to save time and they supposedly have a cleaner finish than rolling or brush. Please share your experiences and reviews, good, bad or indifferent.
drascons - No way...
2 years, 3 months ago
rebeccakerr - I will never use an Airless Paint Sprayer because I have a large paint sprayer from Graco that does its job well. Why else would I try some Airless Paint Sprayer? Also, if I need to paint something at home, I just use Latex Paint Sprayer, and I don't see the point of using anything else. By the way, if someone wants to buy a new latex paint sprayer but does not know which one to choose, I advise you to read this article -- Thanks to it, I bought myself an inexpensive and high-quality latex paint sprayer that has been serving me for about two years.
2 years, 3 months ago
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