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American Express credit cards, scams, refunds
Does anyone have any experience getting a first-hand refund through American Express?
My friend hacked into her email account, and then all of her contacts were asked to electronically send an Amazon gift voucher worth £ 100 to my “friend” 's niece, as it was her birthday and there was a problem with the “friend”' s access to her Amazon account. The request was marginally plausible, but it didn't take much thought to realize it was a scam. However, two people fell for the bait, realized that they were cheated, and their banks returned the money.
However, the third person was tricked out of 100 pounds and then asked for another 50 pounds, and he duly agreed. What a surprise - the promised check for 150 pounds never came, and he says that American Express refuses to reimburse him. Does American Express have a reputation for being defiant on issues like this?
A man who has been cheated out of 150 pounds is very angry with my friend and expects her to pay him back 150 pounds. At my insistence, my friend basically told this person to rearrange these three words: bike, on, your.
Would you be surprised to learn that the friendship between these two people is now broken?
milerpip - I'm just surprised that people still fall for these scams.
I don't see how the person expects your friend to reimburse them, but I don't think Amex has to do so either.
2 years, 10 months ago
rebeccakerr - With scam emails you only have to look at the senders address to see if it’s genuine, I think they would class that as negligent.
2 years, 10 months ago
johnhar - What a terrible case, I think this guy is doing the wrong thing. He confided in him, and besides, he could talk to his girlfriend. Good friends trust each other. I don't know whether the bank is obliged to return the money in this case. If this happened to me, I would probably talk to the person personally and discuss his problems. I wouldn't trust someone on the phone. With live communication, this cannot be done. You can call the bank's call center (I am served with them) and ask them.
2 years, 10 months ago
somighten - I used to take regular loans when I needed money, but recently I found out about a cryptocurrency lending site. It is much more profitable and will bring you much more benefit.
2 years, 9 months ago
james62 - I remember needing good, reliable credit cards that I didn't have to worry about being quickly canceled and so on. That's why I personally recommend everyone to think about contacting a professional and not trying to find a card yourself. I first read the reviews and found indigo card phone number and only then contacted them and was able to order the card. I recommend the same action! Good luck!
2 years, 7 months ago
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