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We try and avoid it. And here's why everyone should follow suite and the rules.

1. The Community. It helps all us printers when transactions, current and future, are within the MakeXYZ sphere. The fees are very reasonable for the amount of exposure and the site itself. The service we provide to the community can easily withstand this slight increase in price to keep this entire community rolling. It's easy to think of personal success but we all must think of the continued success and the expansion that comes with that.

2. Tracking. Our biggest problem is managing 100 various locations from social media, online banking, etc. The last thing we need is to have MakeXYZ clients calling us directly, contacting us via email then message and email again thus fragmenting the conversation across several mediums. These behaviors makes it VERY easy for details to get lost or overlooked which may result in an upset client or frustrated printer. No one wins. Avoid it.

3. Professionalism. When working within the MakeXYZ sphere printers appear as a community, a set of professionals if you will. When private contact comes in it can reveal the curtain so to speak. As more printers aren't professional business's they lack the marketing. Ie.. proper emails address, 800 numbers, responsive staff. If a client calls and your Mom answers the phone and yells for you for 5 minutes to "pick up the phone"... it effects us all.

It's no surprise that MakeXYZ attempts to bar exchanges of personal contact details like phone numbers or emails within the messaging system. Most users, clients included, are saavy enough to bypass this though.

So it is us, the community, that must really be self policing. Encouraging business through MakeXYZ helps us all.

Short story.. don't bite the hand that feeds you... it feeds us all.

-2 cents.
augustaht - Thanks for sharing this. There's an important point here: other printers on makexyz are our community, not our competition. Some examples: if I am troubleshooting a printer issue, I'll ask you guys and girls first; if I get a customer who wants something that my Replicator 2 can't handle, I'll refer the customer to one of you; if a makexyz printer in France serves a customer really well, that customer might tell a friend who lives in my city about makexyz, and that friend comes to me with their business. The list goes on.
10 years, 5 months ago
printedsolid - Number 3 is pretty hilarious. It's certainly a valid point..
10 years, 5 months ago
openfabpdx - Well spoken, LG. Agreed.
10 years, 5 months ago
3dcgmodeler - great advice.. and will adhere to it...
Made a mental note of it, just hope those Aliens in those bright pink space ships don't drink all my beer..
10 years, 5 months ago
lasergnomes - @Agustaht - Exactly.. 1/3rd of our jobs come from other printers with inferior or currently non-working printers. We work extra hard for them to help ease the process for the client. We've also outsourced work to other printers due to our own lack of bandwidth, personal activities, or suitable technology for the design (SLA vs FDM).
10 years, 5 months ago
toybuilder - I agree with the overall sentiment of this post; but there are times when it is simply just not practical to do everything through the messaging text box. I do make it quite clear that any work that I get through MakeXYZ will get invoiced and paid through MakeXYZ - that's the right thing to do. But working with clients, especially for those jobs where it's not simply printing STL's, sometimes may require phone/online chats or face-to-face interactions.

There is a spectrum of printers here; but most of them are in the desktop 3D printer category. The likes of the Objet's and Fortuses (Forti?) (ObTangent: Fortus 900mc - droooool!) are probably not going to be hanging out here.
10 years, 5 months ago
jms3dprinting - My first customer took a lot of handholding to get them to repair the model and understand the issues it raised when printing. This took a lot of back and forth emails through the makexyz system. That wasn't bad but the delivery process was slowed when the customer wanted to pick up the part. There was no way to exchange phone contacts so we had to set a possible meeting time then wait for the answer and if none occurred in time try another time. I have been using a neutral place like a McDonalds because I don't want customers to come to the house. If I had a drop box in the real world I would put it there and have them come pick up the part at their leisure. I have been using makexyz because of the leads and payment convenience for the customer but the communication to the customer is slightly hampered.
10 years, 4 months ago
lasergnomes - We've had similar experiences. Ultimately we have started just repairing the models for them and adding that to the bill. Saves the hand holding etc and increases earnings. Really glad they added the design services option.
That alone has played really well just preparing people for what will be 3d printed. Advising at the early stage in the game saves hassle down the road.. and that expertise... people pay for that.
10 years, 4 months ago
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4 years, 9 months ago
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4 years, 9 months ago
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4 years ago
mark47 - Yeah, I think that MakeXYZ is a quite useful instrument for specialized tasks. I have already tried it and I can recommend it. Also, you can check here some top salesforce trends that can become a great idea for your business.
3 years, 6 months ago
marianna7 - For collecting data for sales, I would recommend this site: There is also an opportunity to work out contacts, mails, prepare mailings and so on.
3 years, 4 months ago
gibsonmichel - I have read this "complain" let's call it this way, and decided to help you to a little. Here is my suggestion, to control most of your social media, to post in time, and to be bly to answer to people using only one platform - you can try I work with it for more than 3 months and it saves my time and nerves.
2 years, 10 months ago
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