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Can you explain the basic principles behind automatic memory management and garbage collection in the .NET framework?
reginald9 - Automatic memory management in the .NET framework involves a garbage collector (GC) that periodically scans the managed heap. It identifies and reclaims memory occupied by objects no longer in use, preventing memory leaks.
For a more in-depth explanation and insights into .NET garbage collection, you can check out this link: .
3 months ago
zoe9 - In the .NET framework, automatic memory management and garbage collection operate on the principle of reclaiming memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use. The .NET runtime keeps track of object references and periodically identifies and frees memory occupied by objects that are no longer reachable through any live references. This process helps developers focus more on writing code without explicit memory management concerns and enhances application reliability and performance by preventing memory leaks and minimizing memory fragmentation.
2 months, 1 week ago
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