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What can 3D printing do that couldn't be done another way?
As inspired by @elpulpo here:

Let's list the things that 3D printing *makes possible*...
elpulpo - Spiral staircases in little castles :-D
9 years, 9 months ago
rapidmanufactory - Making concrete glasses:
Creating a working windup car in one piece:
Prototyping that for less than 9$ :

That's a nice post, let's see what others do.
9 years, 9 months ago
dlongoria59 - 3DP changes the way we design and engineer. Engineers are no longer constrained by the limits of machine tools. What previously was designed as an "assembly" can now be designed as one contiguous part that performs better and lasts longer. More complex designs increasing functionality are now possible. One challenge will be for engineers to change the way they think about design. They have to really open their minds and imaginations now. The design constraints are being removed. Over then next 5-10 years as more materials are developed, print engines become more cost effective and print speed increases we're going to see some incredible leaps in the design and engineering of products.
9 years, 9 months ago
elpulpo - Interesting input, dlongoria59. can you give us any examples?
9 years, 9 months ago
dlongoria59 - Here's a simple example. Let's say you need a channel for air to flow through from its source to its destination. The channel needs to have internal baffles to manage the airflow. Traditional manufacturing methods require multiple parts to build this channel: top half, bottom half, all internal baffles and connectors. For a simple channel this would be multiple parts. Each part costs money to create part numbers, design, build, and inventory. A lot goes into the process that the consumer never sees. With 3DP you can design one contiguous part that performs better than the multiple part assembly.

If you think about more complex geometry, say, an air swirler for jet fuel injection systems, 3DP becomes even more interesting. Air swirlers have helical vanes. In many cases more than one helical vane transitions into another to be more efficient. These swirlers are extremely complex geometry. To make one you have to machine it. Machining helical vanes is very difficult and fraught with inaccuracy. The transition from one vane to another is interpolated, not exact. With 3DP this is no longer a problem. That very complex geometry can be printed easily. The result is a far better product, that performs better and has a longer life.

And this is just the beginning. Engineers literally have to start removing machine tool design constraints from their memories, because those limitations no longer have to exist. As 3DP becomes more affordable (on the high end), faster, materials options expand and material costs come down, there's going to be some amazing leaps in products for the everyday consumer and high technology markets.
9 years, 8 months ago
lidavid02 - Big Sphere in a undersized box
9 years, 8 months ago
lidavid02 - Big Sphere in a undersized box
9 years, 8 months ago
elpulpo - Goot point, David. So, you can make objects where one part can fit inside another although it's bigger than whatever orifice there may be.

Also worth saying that of course, you can make an object where some part of the object can actually go through an orifice in itself.

All interesting concepts in topology but how useful are these features? What can you make with them? Apart from the obvious curios and trinkets, of course.
9 years, 7 months ago
globemaker - Diorama

The 3D printer can make a box with a stereo scene inside. There are several variations which 3D printer is advantageous. A box with two eye holes in it is fitted with two lenses. Interior lights illuminate a stereo scene in various colors and directions. The lenses make it seem like a big room. The high tech versions allow two smart phones to be mounted on adjustable brackets so stereo 3D smart phone apps send joy. The holographics films can be inserted in the box and a combined animated and still 3Dscene is available.

The 3D printer can make scenes inside an integrated sculpture to be viewed inside and out. Artistic sculptures of optical illusions may be entertaining for a few minutes in the life of a distracted fop.
9 years, 7 months ago
globemaker - A 3D Lock and Key
This new invention is a mechanical lock and key that is 3D printed. It is not stronger than a steel lock, but it has new capabilities. Magnetic coupling from a key with several magnets will move internal parts in the 3D lock. Innovation is occurring now to make 3D lock functions for embedded processors. Keys cannot be easily made without a 3D printer. Rotations and other key motions need magnets polarized in a coded set of directions.
9 years, 7 months ago
milania - To select a method for processing metal parts, technological processes and standards are developed, without which planning is impossible. Technical conditions, working drawings of parts, as well as various standards are taken into account. These are the initial data that form the basis for the development of the technical process; here you can learn more about the features
2 months, 3 weeks ago
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