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Prestige Primrose Hills

Prestige Primrose Hills is a features a state-of-the-art clubhouse with first-rate sports, recreational, and community amenities. The clubhouse is large, imperial, and opulent, with an infinite swimming pool, badminton courts, table tennis, snooker/billiards tables, yoga and aerobics deck, indoor gymnasium, cards room, party hall, cafe, meeting rooms, and health club, among other amenities. Residents benefit from the clubhouse since it promotes a happy and healthy lifestyle. If you're in the mood for some exercise or simply want to stretch your legs, the clubhouse is just a short stroll from your accommodation.

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Prestige Primrose Hills is a features a state-of-the-art clubhouse with first-rate sports, recreational, and community amenities. The clubhouse is large, imperial, and opulent, with an infinite swimming pool, badminton courts, table tennis, snooker/billiards tables, yoga and aerobics deck, indoor gymnasium, cards room, party hall, cafe, meeting rooms, and health club, among other amenities. Residents benefit from the clubhouse since it promotes a happy and healthy lifestyle. If you're in the mood for some exercise or simply want to stretch your legs, the clubhouse is just a short stroll from your accommodation.