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Prototyping Platform (With Breadboard)

Working with prototyping boards can be a mess. Your neat project will turn into a mess of wires extremely quickly, especially if you leave it on the shelf over night. This prototyping platform features three vices to hold your micro controller and your breakout boards. Store the components that you are not using in the drawer to keep things tidy. Wire your LEDs, resistors and ICs on the breadboard just as you would normally... except without the mess!
Currently available in black and blue. Other colors coming soon!

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Working with prototyping boards can be a mess. Your neat project will turn into a mess of wires extremely quickly, especially if you leave it on the shelf over night. This prototyping platform features three vices to hold your micro controller and your breakout boards. Store the components that you are not using in the drawer to keep things tidy. Wire your LEDs, resistors and ICs on the breadboard just as you would normally... except without the mess!
Currently available in black and blue. Other colors coming soon!