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Shriekback 3d_Fishy

Lower-detail version of the 3D printed Sea Bream from the Shriekback album "Without real string or fish" in vapour-smoothed ABS. this 3D-Fishy is the same size, at 5 1/2 inches ( 125mm ) , identical shape and printed in any colour you'd like. The pattern is just larger so that it can be printed on a wider choice of machines.

elpulpo - Feb 19
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Lower-detail version of the 3D printed Sea Bream from the Shriekback album "Without real string or fish" in vapour-smoothed ABS. this 3D-Fishy is the same size, at 5 1/2 inches ( 125mm ) , identical shape and printed in any colour you'd like. The pattern is just larger so that it can be printed on a wider choice of machines.