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Snap-On Small Hammer

This is a little project that i made and tested with Ender 3D printer with Grey-PLA with 70% of the qualities of the printer.

With 90% infill, filament Temp bet 200-217Deg Cel, Nozzle 61Deg Cel.

It came out pretty good as a prototype, Although it is strong enough to be used as it is but. IT has to be printed with more stronger materials first for prototype and then with metal after any corrections needed.

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This is a little project that i made and tested with Ender 3D printer with Grey-PLA with 70% of the qualities of the printer.

With 90% infill, filament Temp bet 200-217Deg Cel, Nozzle 61Deg Cel.

It came out pretty good as a prototype, Although it is strong enough to be used as it is but. IT has to be printed with more stronger materials first for prototype and then with metal after any corrections needed.