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Spongebob's House Planter

Have you every dreamed of living inside a pineapple under the sea? Yet, you knew in your heart you weren't absorbent enough for the task?

This planter will shatter all of your inhibitions by bringing Bikini Bottom's allure to YOU!

SpongeBob's House planter is a great way to liven up your office or home. Perfect for any small plant, this planter has plenty of drainage to keep soil at the right consistency. With a footprint of 103mm by 96mm and a height of 110mm, you'll have no problem finding a place for it.

Based on a design by reno77 (, this planter has a greater volume capacity and grate to keep your soil inside.

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Have you every dreamed of living inside a pineapple under the sea? Yet, you knew in your heart you weren't absorbent enough for the task?

This planter will shatter all of your inhibitions by bringing Bikini Bottom's allure to YOU!

SpongeBob's House planter is a great way to liven up your office or home. Perfect for any small plant, this planter has plenty of drainage to keep soil at the right consistency. With a footprint of 103mm by 96mm and a height of 110mm, you'll have no problem finding a place for it.

Based on a design by reno77 (, this planter has a greater volume capacity and grate to keep your soil inside.
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