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Tussionex Cough Syrup For Sale

Tussionex cough syrup for sale. This is one of the drinks with a different content. Each 5 mL of Tussionex pennkinetic extended release suspension contains hydrocodone polistirex equivalent to 10 mg of hydrocodone bitartrate and chlorpheniramine polistirex equivalent to 8 mg of chlorpheniramine
maleate. Hydrocodone is a centrally acting narcotic antitussive.

WhatsApp/Call: +1(205) 310 1389

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Tussionex cough syrup for sale. This is one of the drinks with a different content. Each 5 mL of Tussionex pennkinetic extended release suspension contains hydrocodone polistirex equivalent to 10 mg of hydrocodone bitartrate and chlorpheniramine polistirex equivalent to 8 mg of chlorpheniramine
maleate. Hydrocodone is a centrally acting narcotic antitussive.

WhatsApp/Call: +1(205) 310 1389