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Wonder Woman Pop! Shelf

These print as single shelves to hang on a wall with two screws. There are plugs to hide the screw holes.

This can also be printed as a set with a cutout to hold a Wonder Woman shield. $50 for the set of 6, with cutouts.

Also: DOES NOT COME WITH SHIELD. I'm considering modeling one, but I haven't yet. And it would need to be printed in lots of pieces.

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These print as single shelves to hang on a wall with two screws. There are plugs to hide the screw holes.

This can also be printed as a set with a cutout to hold a Wonder Woman shield. $50 for the set of 6, with cutouts.

Also: DOES NOT COME WITH SHIELD. I'm considering modeling one, but I haven't yet. And it would need to be printed in lots of pieces.
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