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Xiaomi Mi4 Stand

The stand is finished, polished and painted in pla, the pla color is black, but the paint is a maniac mansion stile paint, if you want I can paint it with the colors you select, sice:75mm*160mm*80mm, with the audio out you get more power in the speaker, see the photos. I will delay one week to ship the product because I need to print it, polish it and paint it, the paint is water-based paint for cars, the best quality. If you want it varnished, tell to me.

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The stand is finished, polished and painted in pla, the pla color is black, but the paint is a maniac mansion stile paint, if you want I can paint it with the colors you select, sice:75mm*160mm*80mm, with the audio out you get more power in the speaker, see the photos. I will delay one week to ship the product because I need to print it, polish it and paint it, the paint is water-based paint for cars, the best quality. If you want it varnished, tell to me.